Saturday, August 2, 2008


PAGE International made their semi-finalists announcement yesterday. I have to say, they did much better than last year when it was getting close to midnight (IIRC) before they got the list up. I got the notice in July that I was a quarter-finalist, but I did not make it to semi-finalist. Frowny. The e-mail they sent out said that they had to do a lot of wrangling and rescoring because they had so many with such close scores. I would love to know where I ranked. I've been considering e-mailing them and asking if they can spill any info about where I ended up. In the past, they've always been very nice and very quick about responding. I have a feeling they probably wouldn't tell me much, but I guess I could try. They'll probably just tell me to buy the judge's notes, another $75. To me, that's too much like coverage which I already have. I want to know how I lined up against everyone else.

I have to go Monday and start preparations for my other life, the life of teaching. I have to go to some substitute trainings, and I have to go to my university and get everything set up for the upcoming semester. It has been sweltering hot around here, so I don't look forward to running around doing a ton of errands.