Thursday, April 16, 2009

Uncle Sam and Don and Gee Nicholl

What do they have in common? Most people wait until the last freaking minute to send them their paperwork and money.

Did you get your taxes in on time? Were you one of the thousands lined up 'til all hours at the post office? Did the Dominos delivery guy bring your supper to you in the line that snaked out into the street? I would sneer at you, but since I'll be one of those taking corners on two wheels to get to the post office on May 1 for the Nicholl Fellowship, I guess I can't. But on the other hand, the Nicholl is not required of all Americans. I got my taxes in early this month and even received my state refund already. Nanny nanny boo boo.

The Nicholl Fellowship. Say these words around any screenwriter and watch their eyes glisten. I've never entered before, but I will this year. Come hell or high water, half-written screenplays with jam on them stuffed into Wal-Mart sacks, I'll be entering this year. It's the run for the roses.

If you would like to join this mad dash, here's their site: The competition is fierce, but if you can even reach semi-finals, it's a pretty feather for your cap and your query letter.

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