Saturday, January 17, 2009

linkage to the bloggage

i'm trying to get some traffic around here. i've been submitting the link to various sites in the electronic form of waving my arms from a tiny, remote island and yelling, "over here!" daffy duck style. it seems that at least part of the secret is keywords. i need keywords, man, lots of keywords, so that when somebody googles, they'll plop right on my page (that sounded gross). so here we go:

screenwriting, screenwriting, screenwriting, screenwriter, screenwriter, screenplay, screenplays, script, script, script, producers, lookatmelookatmelookatme, directors, searching for a job, jobsearch, out of work, need a job, sell a screenplay, writer, writer, writer for hire, need to eat.

okay, enough of that for now. maybe we'll try again tomorrow with some new words. and if you've got some to suggest for the list, feel free to send them right along.

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