Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Turning a corner?

Well, here we are, inauguration day. As we all know, it's not your typical one either. The country has made an historic choice for president, the first non-white, and when you put that together with the fact that a woman also came pretty close, this has been a record breaker. Americans have pinned a tremendous amount of hope and expectations on Obama, and as one of those many, many unemployed, I have to say I'm hopeful.

I went on another interview today. I've had two phone interviews and three in-person interviews. Things seemed to have gone well, but I thought that after the first one, and they gave the job to somebody else, so I'm just keeping my happy thoughts squashed at the moment. They must lie dormant and still, quiet, shhhh, because they get upset when things don't go as they think things should.

At the moment, the only income I have is whatever substitute teaching I can snag. The school district uses Aesop, this online system that throws the teacher absences out there in the ring and then laughs in delight as it watches all the hungry subs fling themselves upon it, trying to be the first to grab it up. It's a fierce, uncaring system.

Plans for tonight: corndogs for supper, revising on a screenplay I want to send to Scriptshark, and another resume for another job posting. Plus my son mentioned that he would like to watch A Series of Unfortunate Events, so I may be spending some time with the ever-hopeful Baudelaires.

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